On March 10, under threatening skies, the Defenders of Crooked Lake celebrated their annual meeting with beers, slaw burgers, and umbrellas. Myra Zilahy generously donated the use of her property adjacent to Rogers Road.
Treasurer Mark Armstrong presented the Defenders finances. Membership in 2021 was the strongest in years, with over 190 active members.
President Jim Tully reviewed recent developments around the lake.
Bryan Finder, from Polk County Natural Resources, presented on the threats from invasive species and how Polk County controls their spread. In addition to invasive species, Bryan mentioned that he often responds to questions about suspicious plants that turn out to be native, such as Loose water-milfoil and bog moss. For more info on aquatic species around Crooked Lake, visit our website at https://defendersofcrookedlake.com/resources/.
Finally, the attendees approved the 2022 Defenders of Crooked Lake Officers and Board Members: President: Jim Tully; Vice President: Lisa Jensen; Secretary: Judy Stevens; Treasurer: Mark Armstrong; Board Members: Terry Frank, Cindy Lilly, Sally Morrison, Steve Morrison, Lee Meyer, Tommy Phillips, Fleet Ryland, Win Stevens, Jim Studiale, Marcia Webb, and Bunny Wetzel.
The following photos are by Lisa Jensen.