
Celebrating Earth Day, April 2021

When a five year old friend stated recently that Earth Day is every day, it was heartening! And certainly, the community involvement this year was stellar! Defenders of Crooked Lake members Bunny Wetzel, Buzz Faiks, and Sally Morrison participated in clean-up that helps keep plastic & litter debris out of the lake.

Sandy Madden gathered a group at the Audubon Center which cleaned up debris north on Scenic Highway and along Crooked Lake Drive. Green Horizon and Defenders members and Lake Wales High School volunteer Zipporah Sonders continued clean-up and educational signage on the Scrub Plum Nature trails; other Defenders members worked to reduce fertilizer and stormwater run-off problems. “Never doubt the power of a small group of individuals to make a difference.” Defenders members continue to promote educational programs & to lead by example.

Lake Wales High School volunteer Zipporah Sonders, Polk Co. planner Chanda Bennett, Sally Morrison.