Try to reduce stormwater runoff from your property

Ways to improve storm-water runoff caused by our driveways and roofs: To improve the storm-water drainage system around our houses and caused by paved driveways, retain as much permeable surface as possible: lawns, rain gardens; rain gutters that funnel water to rain barrels or direct it to other areas. Pavers, geoweb, gravel, or mulch let rain soak back into the soil whereas asphalt and concrete do not. A buffer of natural vegetation between the lake and our lawns reduces leachng of fertilizer and chemicals into the lake and prevents erosion of our beaches, too.
Mind what you send down the drain

The Polk County Health Department suggests pumping out septic tanks every 3 – 5 years depending on usage, preventing back-ups and drainage issues. Bleach and harsh chemicals in toilets, sinks, drains can eventually leach through our porous soils.
Limit what you put on your lawn

Fertilizers & Herbicides & Detergents can disrupt the natural balance of the lake and harm water quality: When slow-release fertilizers are used, they absorb better into lawns and shrubs. Mulch helps retain the nutrients and moisture. “More fertilizer isn’t necessarily better” since during the rainy season much of the fertilizer can end up in the lake before plants can absorb it. Native plants are an option that requires minimal water and no fertilizer, being adapted to the area.