
Sunset Trail Stormwater Project is Complete

Polk County Roads and Drainage Division recently completed the Sunset Trail stormwater improvement project. The County constructed curbs, gutters, stormwater pipes, and a stormwater retention pond. Before this project, stormwater and sediment from the unpaved road would discharge directly into the lake. Construction began in Fall 2021 and completed in April 2022.


From the Archives

The photo above was provided by long-time members Jim and Nancy Smith. Shown is the Betty B, which belonged to Earl Wirt, Sr. According to the Bartow Courier-Informant from January 1913, “Mr Wirt has one of the best launches ever seen on this lake.” Mr. Smith stated that launches were a big thing at the […]


Three Things We Can Do to Help Crooked Lake’s Quality

Try to reduce stormwater runoff from your property Ways to improve storm-water runoff caused by our driveways and roofs: To improve the storm-water drainage system around our houses and caused by paved driveways, retain as much permeable surface as possible: lawns, rain gardens; rain gutters that funnel water to rain barrels or direct it to […]


Polk County Makes Progress on Sunset Trail

Polk County Roads and Drainage Division is nearing completion of the Sunset Trail stormwater improvement project. Sunset Trail is an unpaved road with a steep grade from Wes Mann Road on the east to Crooked Lake on the west. During heavy rains, stormwater runs down the road, creating deep ruts and depositing sediment directly in […]


From the Archives

The Defenders of Crooked Lake are in the process of cataloging and digitizing our historic records. Over the coming months, we plan to share stories and photos from the archives. In this first installment, we’re hoping for some community support to help us solve a mystery. Board member Steve Morrison found the following photos in […]


Grassy Island Bird Show

by Judy Stevens Grassy Island, the small, privately-owned island in Crooked Lake just south of Breezy Point, has become an overnight gathering destination for a large number of waterbirds.  For at least the past year, birds have been flying in to roost overnight in a row of punk trees (Melaleuca quinquenervia, a native of Australia […]


Babson Park Celebrates 100 Years

by Sally Morrison Babson Park’s 100th Anniversary Celebration featured the uniqueness of our “Small is Beautiful” town and showcased the “Parks” in Babson Park from Historic Pillar to Pillar. Longtime Babson Park friends & neighbors gathered to celebrate 100 years of the Babson Park Community Church & Babson Park Elementary School 1921 Building, some traveling […]


2021 Christmas Boat Parade

Mark your calendars for the 2021 annual Crooked Lake boat parade- Saturday, December 18 at 6pm. Meet in front of the Crooked Lake Prairie boardwalk. Anyone is welcome to join the parade. A $100 cash prize will be awarded to the boat with the the best decorations! Bob’s Landing Boat Ramp has offered a free […]


Celebrate 100 Years of Babson Park

On Saturday, November 13, 2021, community members will be celebrating 100 years of the Babson Park Community Church & Babson Park Elementary School 1921 Building. The celebration will highlight the uniqueness of our “Small is Beautiful” Town, the “Parks” in Babson Park from Historic Pillar to Pillar, and include a dedication of Dale Fair Pine, […]


Water Levels are high at the start of the wet season

Rainfall during 2019 and 2020 was above average, with 68 and 58 inches respectively. This has led to higher water levels on Crooked Lake. At the end of April 2021, the gauge at Bob’s Landing read 118.70 feet NAVD88, which is approximately 0.3 feet higher than the same time last year. Water levels could increase […]