
Defenders Match Challenge for Windy Hill Initiative Reaches Its Goal!

The Windy Hill Initiative is a project of the Green Horizon Land Trust to protect the incredible view from Windy Hill over Crooked Lake and and also to protect the underground water retention that specific area provides Crooked Lake. The land trust is raising money to purchase properties as they come up for sale or purchase easements that allow grove owners to continue farming. Agriculture is seen by the land trust as the best use for the hill. The land trust hopes to support the growers and at the same time protect the area for future generations to enjoy.

A year ago, the Board of Directors of Defenders of Crooked Lake voted unanimously to support the effort by committing to match donations to the Windy Hill Initiative up to a total of $25,000. The match challenge ended at the recent Annual Meeting and 50th Anniversary Celebration, and the full match goal of $25,000 was reached. As a result, a total of $50,000 was raised for protection of Windy Hill through the Defenders’ commitment to this project. Of course, more funds need to be raised. (Land is expensive!) But the Land Trust has now raised enough reserves to be able to actively pursue properties for purchase or easement. A big “thank you” to those who donated to take advantage of the Defenders’ Windy Hill Match Challenge! To date, 45 acres have been protected through the land trust’s Windy Hill Initiative.

Visit for more information or to donate.